655 results for Congregational Vitality


4 Opportunities for the Church in the Current Political Tension
This article shares strategies for congregations to be part of the solution during divisive...
Megachurch 2020: The Changing Reality in America's Largest Churches
Megachurches set positive precedents in many important areas of faith development and their...
web resource
Disabilities, Religion, and Spirituality Program
This web resource by the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center in Nashville, Tennessee provides...
Intentional Ministry in a Not-So-Mega Church: Becoming a Missional Community
This book argues that churches must move from an internal to an external focus, giving...
Ministry with Prisoners and Families: The Way Forward
This edited volume equips congregations to form a response to the impact of incarceration on...
Orchestrate the Conflict: How to Creatively Engage Conflict to Achieve Leadership Goals
This book chapter offers a variety of strategies for congregations to address conflict...
North American Mission Board: Church Replanting
This organization helps dying congregations foster new life through utilizing the assets of a...
The Guide to New Church Models
This compilation of essays and interviews looks at seven novel ways that congregations are...
Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore: And How 4 Acts of Love Will Make Your Church Irresistible
This resource seeks to combat the decline of the American church by providing congregations...
web resource
Governance in Small Congregations
This article has advice for small congregations to create a right-sized governance system.
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