
Myanmar: Religion, Peace and Conflict Country Profile
This article helps congregational leaders understand the religious dimensions of society,...
How Christians Can Help Refugees and Displaced People
This article, published by the Reformed Church Press, provides tangible ways that faith...
web resource
Free Clinic Directory
This web resource is an online directory for uninsured people to connect with affordable...
This app is a free online center for information and education for refugees, asylum...
web resource
Practicing Hospitality: Practical Ways to Support Displaced People in Your Community
This toolkit from Nazarene Compassionate Ministries prepares congregations to respond to...
web resource
ESL Ministry: Providing English as a Second Language Classes
This guide assists congregations who are considering whether an ESL ministry is right for...
This organization builds partnerships between retail and manufacturing companies and a...
Immigration Law Help is a searchable online directory of free or low-cost immigration...
How the Church Can Serve Society by Changing the Way it Handles Property
This article shares a conversation between Duke University's Faith and Leadership...
web resource
Congregational Accompaniment Project for Asylum Seekers: Handbook for Congregations
This handbook provides an overview of the asylum-seeker accompaniment process, information...
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