655 results for Congregational Vitality


DOOR (Discover Opportunities for Outreach and Reflection)
This organization plans service trips to urban areas so teens can bond and learn about...
Essential Tools for Hybrid Church Ministry
This article recommends online platforms and tools for congregational life during COVID-19.
Cultural Orientation Resource Center
This organization provides cultural Information services to support refugee communities.
A Many Colored Kingdom: Multicultural Dynamics for Spiritual Formation
This book examines how America's increased diversity impacts spiritual formation, addressing...
web resource
Concerning COVID-19
This website provides guidelines for compassionate congregations during a crisis, instructions...
The Post-Quarantine Church: Six Urgent Challenges and Opportunities That Determine the Future
This book provides coaching and strategies to live into the possibilities of the post...
Creating Church Online with Tim Hutchings
This interview explores common questions about building online communities and how virtual...
The Colossian Forum
This organization helps Christian communities use cultural conflicts as opportunities for...
6 Ways to Grow a Thriving Facebook Group
This short article has tips to create and manage a church Facebook group.
Prickly Pear Collective
This faith-based, trauma-informed collective works at the intersections of community + church...
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