121 results for Change


Playing God: Redeeming the Gift of Power
This thoughtful book reframes power as something that can be used as a tool for grace and...
Synagogues Matter
This resources calls American Jews and synagogues to formidable change, championing the value...
'Thine of Thine Own': Orthodoxy and Ecology
This essay presents a spiritual framework for thought and action regarding climate change.
America's Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege and the Bridge to a New America
This book brings together history, current events, and faith resources to address America's...
Church in these VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) Times
This simple video orients leaders to the evolving impact of COVID-19. Then it explains how to...
"Is the Black Church Dead?" A Roundtable on the Future of Black Churches
This 2-hour panelist discussion examines the evolution of the Black Church, its positive...
web resource
Racial Reconciliation and Systemic Racism
This resource hub educates congregations about racial justice from a faith perspective.
Generosity Rising: Lead a Stewardship Revolution in Your Church
This resource seeks to inspire and coach the individual congregation leader who wants to...
Sacred Acts: How Churches Are Working to Protect Earth's Climate
Divided into four sections, this anthology of 12 essays has diverse theological and political...
The Indispensable Guide for Smaller Churches
Designed to help small church leaders improve their ministry, this book examines small...
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