655 results for Congregational Vitality


web resource
Relocation Manual for Pastors and Church Leaders
This digital manual provides rich insight and practical considerations to discern about...
This organization provides online resources, group discussions, and courses that focus on the...
Since 2002, RELEVANT Media Group has published RELEVANT magazine, intended to speak to...
Cambridge Leadership Associates
This organization offers two-day leadership workshops that include interactive exercises for...
ChurchSmart Resources
This organization provides workshops, online resources, and assessment tools focused on church...
The Inner City Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru)
This organization partners with inner-city churches to develop new disciples while addressing...
A Bigger Table: Building Messy, Authentic, and Hopeful Spiritual Community
Through this pastor's story, learn how to confront exclusive attitudes and build inclusive...
The Color of Church: A Biblical and Practical Paradigm for Multiracial Churches
Drawing from the author's experience leading a multi-racial church, this book looks at the...
Big Lessons from Little Places: Faithfulness and the Future in Small Congregations
This book argues that small congregations offer relevant lessons appropriate for any size of...
Hijacked: Responding to the Partisan Church Divide
These co-authors are not on the same side of politics, but they do agree that finding common...
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