158 results for Mental


Mental Health in the Church & Community
This book provides information regarding mental illness and mental health conditions and...
The Color of HOPE: African American Mental Health in the Church
This book provides religious care professionals and laity with a robust awareness of mental...
Wrestling with Our Inner Angels: Faith, Mental Illness, and the Journey to Wholeness
This book explores the link between spirituality and mental health recovery.
Grace for the Afflicted: A Clinical and Biblical Perspective on Mental Illness
This resource balances medical information and scriptural insights to help congregations...
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
This organization provides mental health resources to support people with addiction and mental...
Comfort My People - A Policy Statement on Serious Mental Illness with Study Guide
Written by the Advisory Committee on Social Witness of the Presbyterian Church, this study...
Troubled Minds: Mental Illness and the Church's Mission
This resource challenges, today's Christian church to take seriously Jesus' teachings about...
A New State of Mind - Ending the Stigma of Mental Illness
This hour-long documentary details the stories of everyday people while breaking through the...
web resource
The Summit Wellness Group's Top 61 BIPOC Addiction and Mental Health Resources
This webpage offers a curated list of top resources that support the mental health of the...
Black Church Starts Weekly Mental Health Event
This article describes some ways that local Indiana churches have organized around mental...
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