121 results for Change


Twelve Characteristics for Effective 21st Century Ministry
This short article comments on pastoral leadership and highlights 12 leadership skills of...
web resource
Renewing Our Church
This web resource offers an engaging video presentation about how an established but faltering...
Like Stepping Into A Canoe: Nimbleness and the Transition into Ministry
This book provides guidance and healthy practices to navigate ministry transitions. Written...
Encyclopedia of Positive Questions: Using Appreciative Inquiry to Bring out the Best in Your...
Written for companies, this resource will nonetheless be helpful for congregations as they...
Ten Assumptions of Appreciative Inquiry
This article provides the basic values of Appreciative Inquiry.
Necessary Endings
This book guides readers to determine what activities and beliefs are worth keeping or...
Creating a Congregational Culture of Validation
This article reveals how validation fosters flourishing congregations and lists three ways...
Cambridge Leadership Associates
This organization offers two-day leadership workshops that include interactive exercises for...
The Center for Parish Development
This organization provides resources and consulting to help congregations expand their...
Becoming an Anti-racist Church: Journeying Toward Wholeness
This powerful book explains racism in the American church and outlines practical strategies to...
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