29 results for Ai And Faith


God and Race (study guide plus streaming video)
The study guide and short videos are a non-threatening way to dialog about race and...
web resource
Worship and Visual Arts
Pinterest can help congregations organize and discover a variety of ideas related to art and...
book Updated
Succession Planning Basics for Faith-Based and Secular Organisations
This book focuses on the seldom-discussed topic of succession in organizations both secular...
organization Updated
The American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC)
This organization offers a way for people to connect to licensed Christian therapists,...
Enough: Discovering Joy through Simplicity and Generosity
This personal finance book addresses generosity and faithful stewardship by beginning with...
This organization provides resources and support for congregations starting a new health...
America's Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege and the Bridge to a New America
This book brings together history, current events, and faith resources to address America's...
'Thine of Thine Own': Orthodoxy and Ecology
This essay presents a spiritual framework for thought and action regarding climate change.
Anchored: A Bible Study for Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss
This book invites parents to grieve in an honest and faith-filled way that anchors them to...
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