63 results for Books


web resource
Church Tech Today: Technology for Today's Church
This website views technology as a vehicle for congregations to communicate and also shares...
Church Finance Today
This e-newsletter covers timely finance topics such as record keeping, business expenses,...
Hope for the Heart
Founded by June Hunt, Hope for the Heart is a biblical caregiving, coaching, and counseling...
Blessed Earth: Serving God, Saving the Planet
This organization provides educational resources to equip and inspire congregations in the...
ChurchSmart Resources
This organization provides workshops, online resources, and assessment tools focused on church...
web resource
Spiritual First Aid
This resource hub combines faith and psychology to empower you to care for others from a...
web resource
The Sound of the Genuine: Traversing 2020 with Howard Thurman
In this podcast episode, Rev. Otis Moss III connects Howard Thurman's theology and mysticism...
LifelongFaith Associates
Led by John Roberto, this organization helps congregations develop sustainable faith formation...
The Colossian Forum
This organization helps Christian communities use cultural conflicts as opportunities for...
Reclaiming the Gospel of Peace: Challenging the Epidemic of Gun Violence
This book published after the Sandy Hook shooting is the result 200 Episcopal bishops...
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