190 results for Tools


This organization provides support for start-ups and existing non-profits including IRS...
Smart Church Management: A Quality Approach to Church Administration
This concise book provides tips and tools on a variety of administrative topics ---...
This organization provides congregations with a structured support system for individuals...
Faith-Based Resources
This web resource supports congregational leaders in promoting understanding and acceptance...
Family-Care, Community-Care and Self-Care Tool Kit
This toolkit helps congregations foster healing and resilience among members of the Black...
HIDDEN: Mental Health Hides Out in the Church
This book equips congregational leaders with the tools needed to address and support mental...
Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries
This organization offers congregations faith-based resources and training to support mental...
Three Things Churches Can Do to Change the Mental Health Crisis in America
This article helps congregations address the mental health crisis by offering practical,...
organization Updated
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
This organization provides hope, help, support, and education to improve the lives of...
web resource Updated
Look Up Indiana: Faith Resources
This is a resource for faith leaders at the intersection of faith and mental health,...
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