
The National Council for Mental Wellbeing

Washington, D.C.. (202) 684-7457


This organization can help congregations access resources to support people struggling with their mental health or substance use. As a national member organization for mental health and substance use treatment organizations, National Council for Mental Wellbeing believes everyone deserves access to high-quality treatment.

In addition to advocating on policy issues for member organizations, National Council for Mental Wellbeing offers several resources that can help congregations looking to support their communities. The Mental Health First Aid program trains people to identify and respond to signs of mental health or substance use issues. A video series provides insight from subject-matter experts on topics such as supporting young people, healthcare equity, and social justice through the lens of mental well-being.


  • Mental Health First Aid training in English and Spanish
  • National Council for Mental Wellbeing YouTube channel
  • Resources for suicide prevention, recovery, and advocacy
  • Blog that highlights stories, news, and events
  • Member search tool organized by state

Recommended Audience

clergy and lay leaders


Varies per service

Practical Applications

  • Complete Mental Health First Aid training as an individual or staff so your congregation can develop skills in supporting people’s well-being.
  • Watch video interviews with healthcare professionals to gain insights that can inform your congregation’s ministry and mission.

About the Contributor

Kelly Minas

Kelly Minas designs and directs evaluation processes for grants, resource consulting, and educational programs at the Center for Congregations. She has degrees in American culture and contemporary sociology. 

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