
FollowOne International

Marietta, GA.


This organization has been helping churches and Christian families shine God’s light with intentionality, urgency, and excellence since 2004. They offer coaching, conferences, international mission trips, publications, and tools that have helped thousands of Christ followers make informed and courageous decisions about bringing the Good News of Jesus to lost and hurting people.


  • Church growth
  • Discipleship
  • Coaching
  • Summits

Recommended Audience

clergy and lay leaders, evangelism leaders interested in reaching non-believers


Varies per service

Practical Applications

  • Engage with FollowOne International to learn how to prepare to share the gospel, how to interact with people from different backgrounds, and how to encourage your congregation and ministry to be seeker-friendly.
  • Participate in a Shine Summit, a mini-retreat for church leaders, or register for Shine coaching, private sessions (in-person or virtual) that will help you learn how to better understand God's mission for your congregation and develop new ways to shine.

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