
AI and the Ethics of Preaching

Ed Stetzer. New Churches, GA, 10/5/2023


In this podcast, recorded and published on YouTube, Ed Stetzer and guest Dr. Scott Rae offer a reminder that the Holy Spirit remains at the core of the preaching process, despite the temptations of artificial intelligence. In this video, the conversation covers the ethical dilemma surrounding AI, including when it's acceptable to use it, when it is unacceptable, and pitfalls and advantages to using AI as a tool in sermon development.


  • AI ethics
  • Do's and Don'ts
  • Links to additional resources
  • 17 minutes
  • transcript

Recommended Audience

Clergy and lay leaders



Practical Applications

  • After listening to this conversation, reflect on its meaning in your context.
  • Consider the advantages of using AI as a helpful tool, as well as the dangers and temptations, and discuss it with a trusted mentor or colleague.

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